Friday, May 29, 2009

Really Dead... or Deadly Real?

Hari Kamis (28/5), akhirnya gw nonton Angels and Demon. Yeah, emang telat banget sih. Apa boleh buat, orang yang bisa diculik buat nemenin nonton baru free hari itu sih, jam 5 pula. Nontonnya pun di Braga City Walk, yeah. Setelah dulu nggak jadi nonton Spiderman 3 bareng anak-anak Fasor (miss u guys), akhirnya nonton di sini juga. Dan... harga tiketnya cuma sepuluh ribu, lho! What a bargain! Jadinya uang honor ngawas ujian kalkulus pun kepake juga, alhamdulillah nggak harus nambah-nambah. Sering-sering aja nonton di sana kali ya, hehehe...

Well, I’m not here to fanboying this movie. Yeah, this is a good movie, very good indeed. The tension, the action, the pace, everything is perfect. Nobody would turn his/her back on this, I guarantee. Coz it does a good job to sparks viewer’s curiosity and twists their speculation. But, as I said before, I’m not fanboying this movie, not when lots and lots of bloggers are fanboying it right now (oops, I’m late. I’m fanboying it already, am I not?). What can I say is, this movie is a (little more) brighter version of Angel and Demon than the novel (and shorter version indeed). But, I think I’m cool with that.

What sparked my curiosity is, are they murder real people for the sake of this movie? If you already watched this movie, you would know that the murder of four cardinals is the thing that keeps the story on. I won’t tell you by what way the four cardinals are killed, because it would be considered spoiler. But, the way those cardinals are killed are gruesome, and real, especially the second cardinal. How can you explain the bleeding from his lung? An unseen pocket attached to his chest that excreted bloodlike substances? And how do you explain the brands? Makeup?

To tell you the truth, this is not the first time I wondered this. Ever since I was little, I often watch late night war and action movies with my dad. Of course, those movies involve killing in (almost) every scene. And so, I was wondered (but too timid to ask), are those killings real? Maybe, just maybe, the director thinks that death of some walk-ons is necessary to make the film as real-looking as possible. But, I don’t have chance to find out, and that thought remains unanswered until now.

So, anyone knows?


Unknown said...

yes, make-up. and the corpse could easily be make-up-ed and digitally-touch-up-ed dummies :)

Ferdy Sechan said...

I see...

Thanks for replying, though I'm still wondering about the second cardinal...